Vortrag: „REST mit Java“

Termin: 23.02.2011

Ort: Leo 18, Leonardo Campus der Universität Münster (GoogleMaps)

Einlass: ab 18:00 Uhr

Abstract: Immer häufiger kommt für die Integration von Anwendungen und für öffentlich zugängliche APIs die Architektur des WWW, RESTful HTTP zum Einsatz. In diesem Vortrag werden die unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten gegenübergestellt, die im Java-Umfeld für die Realisierung von RESTful-HTTP-Services zur Verfügung stehen (u. a. das Servlet-API, Restlet, JAX-RS und Spring MVC).

Dozent: Stefan Tilkov ist Geschäftsführer der innoQ Deutschland GmbH und beschäftigt sich seit Anfang der 90er Jahre mit Architekturen für starkverteilte, große Systeme und Anwendungslandschaften. Nach seinem Studium der Technischen Informatik als BA-Student der IBM arbeitete er zunächst als Softwareentwickler, Teilprojekt-, Gesamtprojekt- und schließlich Abteilungsleiter bei einem mittelständischen Softwarehaus, bevor ihn die Sehnsucht nach der Technik wieder erfasste und er sich als 1998 als freiberuflicher IT-Architekt selbstständig machte. 1999 gründete er zusammen mit Roman Roth die innoQ Deutschland GmbH. Seine technologischen Schwerpunkte haben sich im Laufe der Zeit von C/C++ und DCE, C++/CORBA, Java/CORBA über J2EE, MDA und Web Services hin zu SOA, REST und Ruby verschoben. Stefan Tilkov ist Autor zahlreicher Artikel und Kolumnen, ein aktiver Blogger und einer der SOA-Editoren der Online-Community InfoQ.

Anmeldung: Damit wir ungefähr eine Vorstellung davon haben, mit wievielen Teilnehmern wir rechnen können, wäre es nett, wenn Ihr Euch bei Xing an dem Event der JUG Münster anmeldet. Ihr findet den Event hier.


Vortrag: „Testdriven development by example“

Termin: 19.01.2011

Ort: Leonardo Campus der Universität Münster (GoogleMaps)

Einlass: ab 18:00 Uhr

Abstract: Die Zuhörer sollen eine Einführung in Test Driven Development (TDD) anhand eines Live-Coding-Examples durch simuliertes Pair-Programming ( Keyboard: Speaker, Observer: Audience ) erhalten. Dabei werden verschiedene andere Themen touchiert, die nur als Referenz genannt werden. Zunächst werden die Motivation und die Prinzipien von „Test Driven Development“ und im Zusammenhang stehenden Vorgehensweisen erklärt. Es folgt eine Demonstration von praktischem TDD anhand des Lösens einer Code Kata. Abschließend werden Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert und Fragen des Auditoriums beantwortet.

Dozent: Daniel Hiller ist 38 Jahre alt, entwickelt in Java seit 1996 und ist Senior-Java-Entwickler bei der dbap GmbH in Münster. Schwerpunkte seiner Tätigkeit sind Qualitätssicherung und R&D.

Anmeldung: Damit wir ungefähr eine Vorstellung davon haben, mit wievielen Teilnehmern wir rechnen können, wäre es nett, wenn Ihr Euch bei Xing an dem Event der JUG Münster anmeldet. Ihr findet den Event hier.


Veranstaltungen 2011

Kurzübersicht über alle Vorträge, welche wir im Jahr 2011 bei uns haben werden – zusätzlich haben wir einen regelmäßigen Stammtisch, den wir über die Mailingliste und den Blog hier ankündigen. Alle Termine finden sich auch im Google Calendar der JUG Münster.

Die Vorträge finden falls nicht anders angegeben im Raum Leo 18 auf dem Leonardo-Campus der Universität Münster statt. Einlass ist jeweils ab 18:00 Uhr und der Vortrag startet im Regelfall um 18:30 Uhr. (GoogleMaps)

Termin: 23.11.2011
Thema: HTML5(Anmeldung)
Dozent: Till Schulte-Coerne (innoQ), Matthias Wessendorf (Kaazing)

Dozent: Dozent hat abgesagt



Versioning and signing jar files in Netbeans

Hi again,

these days i’ve got the problem that i need to add a version number to the SteelSeries java component library and to be honest i had no idea how to realize it.

So after a short internet research i figured out that there is the ability to add version information to the manifest file that’s included in a jar file.

If you do not know what a manifest is or how it is embedded in the jar file you will find a detailled description here.

Now that i knew where to put the version information the question was how to get Netbeans adding this information automaticaly to the manifest file during the build process. Well Netbeans is using Ant under the hood to build your projects and because i knew ant build scripts from using the Hudson Continues Integration server it was easy to achieve this.

First of all you have to locate the build.xml file in your Netbeans projects folder. Simply open it in Netbeans itself and you will see something like this… weiterlesen


SteelSeries update

Hi there,

this is just to inform you that there is a updated version of the Java Swing component library „SteelSeries“ available.

I added 10 more components…

There are radial bargraphs which you could see below



In addition to these i added another version of the Radial2 component which is called Radial2Top

ishot-6.pngThe last component i added is called RadialCounter. I saw this kind of component during a visit of a german u-boat

where it was used to visualize the depth of the boat.



In addition to the new components there a some more modifications like colored tickmarks etc.



For more info please go to http://www.harmonic-code.org


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SteelSeries Java Swing component library

Here we go again…

A few months ago i started a new project where i again focussed on gauges (i love that stuff). It took me some time because i only work on the project on my spare time (which is rare) but now i finished a first version of a little library that contains a lot of gauges for Java applications…

First of all i have to mention that this library was not meant to be a professional components library and should not be used on mission critical software. Means if you use the library it’s on your own risk !

I’ve never before created a component library and for me it was and is a great challenge to dive deeper into the Java universe…

But now let’s have some fun…

The library contains two general types of gauges, radial and linear ones and some little candy in the form of additional components like a Radar component etc.

I add some properties to the gauges that hopefuly will be useful for some of you.

Here is a short list of the most interesting features:

  • frameDesign (metal, shiny metal, blackmetal)
  • backgroundColor (dark gray, light gray, white, black, beige, red, green blue)
  • pointer/bar color (red, green, blue, yellow, orange)
  • a three colored track to visualize areas of special interest (e.g. a critical temperature range)
  • thresholdIndicator
  • blinking threshold led (red, green, blue, orange, yellow)
  • adjustable tickmarks
  • indicators for min. and max. measured values
  • auto reset to zero feature

It should be possible for you to create your own components out of these library and  if you’ll take a look at the source you will find components like Radial1Lcd, Radial2Lcd and Radial3Lcd where i used Netbeans matisse gui builder to create the component from the FrameCircular and DisplaySingle components.

So you should be able to check read the sourcecode of these components and see how i did it (the easiest way would be to use Netbeans to check the source).

But to give you a impression, let pictures speak… weiterlesen


Android AutoConversion EditText component

AutoConversion EditText component:

Yesterday i created a Java Swing textfield component that autoconverts a given value into a selectable unit which could be useful.

In the evening i got the idea to port this component to Android and see if it will work there.

Just as a short note…if you are a Java developer you should take a look into Android…it’s sooooo nice, porting the component tooks me not more than 2 hours (and i’m not really into Android development).

Here is the result:













So you could type in a value with the unit of your choice and after leaving the field the value will be converted into the EditText „base unit“.

I changed the units with special characters like µ, Å, ² and ³ to u, A, 2 and 3 which leads to units like:

um  <=>  µm

A <=>  Å

m2  <=>  m²

m3  <=>  m³

and so on…

The upper spinner will select the type of unit you would like to use.

The middle spinner will select the current base unit for the textfield.

The lower spinner will adjust the number of decimals for the textfield.

Because it displays the unit directly in the textfield there’s no need for a additional label for the unit.

You also might check this little video

Well again this is nothing very fancy or gui related but it was a nice challange for me so i decided to share it with you… AutoConversionField.zip


follow me on twitter if you like…



Java AutoConversion textfield component

AutoConversion textfield component:

If you drive a motorized stage of a microscope you often have to handle coordinates in a unit like millimeter [mm]. But it might happen that the sample in your microscope is only in the range of microns [µm].

So would it not be nice to directly type in the coordinates in µm and the textfield would automaticaly convert the unit into [mm] ?

This would increase the workflow a lot because you do not have to think about conversion of units. There seems to be countries that are using inches and people living there might like to type in coordinates in inches instead of millimeters..etc…

For this reason i created a little component that extends a standard javax.swing.JTextField and is now able to do the conversion. You could also use the conversion alone without the textfield to create some kind of unit converter…it’s up to you.

Here are a few screenshots of a demo app that uses the component:

#1 Step

#3 Step#2 Step

So you could type in a value with the unit of your choice and after leaving the field or pressing enter the value will be converted into the textfields „base unit“.

The upper combobox will select the type of unit you would like to use (it supports angle, area, length, mass, temperature, time at the moment but one could easily add more units to it).

The middle combobox will select the current base unit for the textfield.

The lower combobox will adjust the number of decimals for the textfield.

Because it displays the unit directly in the textfield there’s no need for a additional label for the unit.

You also might check this little video

Well this is nothing very fancy or gui related but it was very useful for me so i decided to share it with you… ConversionField.zip


follow me on twitter if you like…