Swing Apollo space program mission timer

Still on vacation i took the chance to spent some time on watching movies i ordered some time ago and so i watched several movies related to the Nasa moon landing program which lead to the landing on the moon in july 20th 1969.
In the movie MoonShot which tells the story of Apollo 11 and it’s flight to the moon in 1969 i was fascinated by the board computer of the command module and took a picture of the mission timer which looked great to me…


Because i love coding in Java and those things could be easily done in Java’s swing framework i decided to create a little mission timer by myself and that’s a picture of the result


I don’t know if it’s useful to anybody but for those of you who like it, i added the source as netbeans project here MissionTimer.zip

You will find two classes in the project, a JFrame and a TimerPanel. (If you would like to use the TimerPanel in another project you just can drag’n drop the TimerPanel class onto a JFrame, JPanel etc.)

To start or stop the timer you just have to click on the panel with the left mousebutton. To reset the panel just doubleclick on the panel.

Enjoy it and keep swinging…